Letham Glen Park

Letham Glen Park Letham Glen Park Letham Glen Park

Letham Glen is home to a wheelchair accessible playpark in Scotland near the town of Leven, not far from the East Neuk of Fife, and a few minutes drive from Emsdorf Lodge – a fantastic accessible accommodation. It’s also ideal for a nice stroll, and great for wheelchair users old and young.

Some useful info:

– There’s a car park with accessible parking bays on the far left-hand side⁠
– Take the wee path into the park from there (it’s a little bit steep)⁠
– There’s wheelchair accessible play equipment – a roundabout and a swing. You’ll need a RADAR key to access and use the swing 🗝️⁠
-The paths are a mix of packed gravel and paved. I found it easy to wheel about on both⁠
– Eventually the path gets steep and goes into the woodland. We haven’t explored the woodland but it might be okay with a power attachment or mobility scooter.
– Sadly there’s just non-accessible toilets with a small step to get in. Your nearest Changing Places toilet is at the Levenmouth Swimming Pool and Sports Centre ♿️ If a standard accessible loo will suit you, pop to Aldi in Leven.

If you’re looking for a wheelchair accessible playpark in Scotland, then check out Letham Glen in Fife!⁠

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